Introducing The Soul of a Dog Signature Sessions
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Sunday, November 01, 2020
By Diana Lundin
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Sometimes when you look into your dog's eyes, you can see straight into their souls. And sometimes, you can feel they're looking straight into yours. That's what my new pet photography sessions hope to capture. The Soul of a Dog.

It's a simple shoot, really. It's a closeup image of your dog and more likely than not, of them looking directly at you.

You know I do all kinds of work, from the natural outdoor images to staged ones. But The Soul of a Dog... I always feel there is so much going on behind those eyes. And of course it's cliche to say the eyes are the window to the soul. What an animal conveys with their eyes is absolutely soul stirring.

I know a lot of people who think portraits of their children without smiles ruins the photos but I think the opposite is true. It's the most true image you can have. Their eyes pierce your heart. And that is what I think a dog's eyes can do. It's authentic. Evocative.

I'm offering the session and the artwork, a framed 16x16 fine art print, for $495. Larger sizes available. I want to make it easy for you to get a stunning piece of art of your beloved. A 16x16 size is small enough to fit almost any wall yet big enough to make a statement. I guarantee you will love it.


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