Friday, November 23, 2018
It's been four years since I last did my all-cat calendar but we have another one for 2019! But it's a personal calendar, one designed for cat brothers Vincent and Winston. Their mom Monica had outfits for every month for them. These boys were great. Well, Vincent didn't love outfits... he usually only had one expression... but he put up with it, which, truth be told, kind of astonished me. As the caretaker of my two cat boys, they don't like to dress up that much. Well, not at all. But these guys went through all 12 months.I would photograph one of them first, usually Winston, the gray boy, and then Vincent. And in Photoshop I would put the two of them together in appropriate settings. I ...
Saturday, October 27, 2018
It's been so long, my friends! A very, very busy month as I finished the book by the October 15 deadline, then began to fulfill other orders plus squeeze in a couple of really fun dog and cat photography shoots! But now it's near Halloween and I finally completed what I guess you would call a Halloween Storytelling image. Yes, it's my friend Luna, the border collie mix, who is one of my greatest muses because of how expressive she is.I don't know if you watch "The Handmaid's Tale" on Hulu but I love it. Well, love is a strong word. It's sometimes very hard to watch, especially the second season. It was pretty brutal but of course I was addicted to it and hooked my sister on it as well.For ...
Quite often when I say I do pet photography composites I'm met with a blank stare. It's just simply that a lot of people don't really know what a composite is. What seems like such a natural word in my world may as well be another language to someone else. So I'm going to break it down a bit.In general, with compositing, you are creating a scene with with at least two elements that weren't photographed together. Now the end results can be for different things. Say I did a pet photography shoot with three dogs. Two are looking at the camera, one isn't. Or there is a family of a large number of animals but it's pretty difficult to wrangle them all together. In this case, I can swap out heads ...
So I am a longtime member of the Los Angeles Center of Photography where back in the day I took a lot of classes, particularly when it was the Julia Dean Photography Workshops. There, yours truly took many classes in lighting, both strobe and flash, and headshots, among others. These classes laid the foundation for the mild-mannered pet photographer I am today.The LACP has exhibitions annually for its members. You know, I thought it was maybe 50-75 photographers, not very competitive, but boy, was I ever wrong.I entered the fourth annual exhibition with five of my composites that you see on this site: Phoebe, the Frenchie, adrift; the Library; the Birth of Luna; the Aviator; and Kiwi ...
I've photographed Lyle and Fiona before, probably two years or so ago. They are two quite stunning poodles, immaculately groomed with sweet personalities.But after seeing my Storytelling Sessions, their owner was ready for a tale for them. She told me she was thinking of Fiona as a singer and Lyle on the piano. My mind immediately went to a concert hall, grand piano, gowns, ties and tails... but that wasn't what Toni was seeing. She saw Lyle in a beret, a sort of cabaret, a lounge. And my mind took off. Yes, of course. We'll trade in the grand for an upright, put them onstage in something slightly seedy, and Lyle will definitely have his beret.The shoot went fast. First, I forgot the ...