So hard, am I going to ride your coattails, Kirby.
Here's the story. The tea. No tea, but I photographed Kirby twice when we were both nobodies. Only one of us still is, that's how good I am. Sent that actor on her way... oh, yes.
The first shoot was a headshot shoot when she was a Strasberg acting student in 2011; the second, she lent me a hand for a Hollywood shoot with her dog Apollo.
Kirby is all over the place, she's become the star I always knew she would be and she hasn't even hit her top yet. Not close. Keeps leveling up.
You know her from so much. "Killing Eve," "The Good Place," "Barry," "Veronica Mars." A lot.
She just posted a still from "We Strangers," which is screening May 3 at the Atlanta Film Festival and it's a gorgeous image. Kirby is gorgeous. And if you think I'm blowing smoke up your behind that I said she'd be a star, I have the emails where I told her that.
OK, I am going to quote this and I realize it's old. This is from 2011.
"Diana, I cannot tell you how happy I am with the headshots you took. I have been going for (and booking) so many auditions since I started using them.
"I even had a Casting Director tell me that they recognised me because they remembered seeing MY headshot when I submitted for the role - Can you imagine, of the thousands of submissions and auditions they go through they instantly recognised me?
"Honestly, what a wonderful foot in the door if the Casting Director knows you before they've even met you! I am so much more confident now that I know my headshot will do half the work for me and when I get in the audition I'll do the rest."
Well, she did do the rest. Really well did she do the rest.
Back to me. So that still life. In the early days of the pandemic, I did a still life of my cat Kiwi and I really loved it. Here's where Kirby comes back in. Don't you think that image behind her should be Kiwi???
Right!? I have a large framed canvas of him on my wall! Loan!
That's really all I have to say about the whole thing except watch whatever Kirby's in.