Photo Composite: Lyle and Fiona in the Music Hall
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Sunday, June 18, 2017
By Diana Lundin
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I've photographed Lyle and Fiona before, probably two years or so ago. They are two quite stunning poodles, immaculately groomed with sweet personalities.

But after seeing my Storytelling Sessions, their owner was ready for a tale for them. She told me she was thinking of Fiona as a singer and Lyle on the piano. My mind immediately went to a concert hall, grand piano, gowns, ties and tails... but that wasn't what Toni was seeing. She saw Lyle in a beret, a sort of cabaret, a lounge. And my mind took off. Yes, of course. We'll trade in the grand for an upright, put them onstage in something slightly seedy, and Lyle will definitely have his beret.

The shoot went fast. First, I forgot the battery pack that powers my light. I didn't have my monolight with me, which would just plug into the wall. I needed the battery pack to power a couple of Profoto B2s, which are really portable lights. Just that battery pack... fortunately, I don't live that far from Toni so I ran home to get it. In the meantime, the poodles were scheduled to have their teeth cleaned -- ironically, by one of my neighbors -- and she came half an hour early. Time was of the essence.

So I'm getting ready to shoot, she's getting ready to clean, and we had a really truncated shoot but it didn't matter. Tiny Toni had the task of putting Lyle's paws on an apple box so he could be in position to play the piano. He just wanted lie down. But when Toni had him in the right spot, I clicked and boom, we got him.

Fiona was just a doll, all good to go. Sit her down, fine. Have her lie down, fine.

I went home and found two perfect images from the dog's shoot. I already had a background in mind and it worked perfectly. The piano was a little tough. It didn't come with a bench so I had to find something that worked and what I found actually was pretty great as it added to the downscale feel of the concert hall. Got the beret. Toni recommended a box for Fiona. Check. Then I searched for a tip jar and found one and, really late in the game -- many iterations had already happened -- I put some money in the jar. And so what you're seeing is a story envisioned by Toni and brought to life by me. That's how we work. Your pets, your story, and ultimately, your image.

Now, don't you want one for yourself? Call 818.481.5214. Fear of phone? Email me or hit that contact button at the bottom right hand corner and we will tell your pet's story.


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1 Comment
Melissa - Hi Diana,
Love this composite with your pets. I've got two dogs and would like to create this with my Great Pyrenese and Newfoundland. However, I was thinking of adding something Christmas like. Maybe a small table size Christmas tree on top of the piano, a red bow on the microphone stand. Perhaps one other Christmas tree. I'd like to send it by email to friends and have it play a Christmas song. I may already have photos of the dogs that I can use.

Your thoughts?