It's been so long, my friends! A very, very busy month as I finished the book by the October 15 deadline, then began to fulfill other orders plus squeeze in a couple of really fun dog and cat photography shoots! But now it's near Halloween and I finally completed what I guess you would call a Halloween Storytelling image. Yes, it's my friend Luna, the border collie mix, who is one of my greatest muses because of how expressive she is.
I don't know if you watch "The Handmaid's Tale" on Hulu but I love it. Well, love is a strong word. It's sometimes very hard to watch, especially the second season. It was pretty brutal but of course I was addicted to it and hooked my sister on it as well.
For promo art, there are a couple of renditions of Elizabeth Moss as Offred looking particularly spooky in her red robe and wimple. I've been wanting to recreate it for a while but was stumped how I was going to make the costume. I tried to buy the costume last year, actually during the first season, and couldn't find one at the time. So I ordered some white foam paper and thought I would make one. But I'm not especially handy. I kind of am, but not when it comes to things like that.
But I had just created Nighthawks, the Edward Hopper painting, with dogs and to make it, I actually created the entire thing in Photoshop before putting in the four dogs I photographed. I thought I might be able to do it with Luna, who has such striking blue eyes. I started on it over the summer and put it away when I got frustrated. I would get so far, then undo the whole thing, and that's kind of where it was when I picked up this month.
It was a mess. But I decided to spend a few hours with it and what do you know, luck was with me and I managed to unravel the most egregious things I'd done to it. And every time I found a mistake I made, I kept at it and I think I came pretty close. Now that it's finished, I still see some things I could have done a little better but I'm pretty happy with it.
So just in time for Halloween, I present to you "The Handmaid's Tail."